You Need The Right Financial Foundation In Place To Create True and Lasting Financial Freedom... 
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Right now: Join Financial Foundations Community for more "money truths". 
A no-judgement, no-bullshit, safe haven to:
  • Understand what "Financial Freedom" actually means, and why it's actually a necessity for every person on the planet.
  • Understand why 96% of people never get there; and money management secrets to put you in the 4% of people who do.
  • Get free access to – a community focussed on guiding you away from struggle, towards the financial fast track you deserve.
  • Get a digital copy of Dr. Tony's Best Seller: "How To Cure Money Stress"

  • Get free access to our Financially Fit Bootcamp Program ($997 value) – a proven, comprehensive 12-week online program designed to uncover your money blocks, cure your money stress and help you create a cash surplus you can build upon.
What People Are Saying!
Karen McGregor 
Founder and CEO of Speaker Success Formula
Vancouver, BC, Canada
There's a way to stop feeling trapped and constantly stressing about money. Get back to basics and
Join our Financial Foundations Community!
  • Personalised Access to
  • Access our Specialist Panel of Financial Experts
  •  Access our Marketplace to receive the best tools  available on your path to Freedom
  • Legit #NoBullshit Weekly News with MindShifting Money updates and insider conversations with the 4% of people who achieve Financial Freedom
  • Digital copy of Dr. Tony's Best Seller:
    "How To Cure Money Stress"
  •  Digital copy of Founding Partners New Book:
      "It's About Time: Finally the Truth About Money"
  • Subscribe for FREE at
USD Per Month
    FREE access to the Financially Fit Bootcamp Program ($997.00 value)
  • The "Freedom Now" Quadrant Tool - For Effective Time Management & Task Allocation
    "Simple Tips For Increasing Income Fast and Accelerating You To Freedom"
    "Simple Tips For Everyday Savings that Accelerate You To Freedom"
  • Exclusive Community Success Stories from within the community delivered to your inbox each month to highlight tips and tools members are finding on their path to Freedom!
  • Exclusive LIVE Expert Interview's and Tips, coming to you straight from the Specialist Panel - Ask questions live about money-management, investing and more from our trusted panel of experts!
  • Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Back Stage Pass opportunities every month to peak inside and hear examples of the Freedom Lifestyle in action
  • Exclusive Deep Dive Implementation Guides delivered straight to you inbox each month. These easy step-by-step guides will dive into one of the five stages to Freedom each month and  take you away from the Money Stress and Struggle you are experiencing today to thriving with new money habits of the 4%
    $997.00 value
    Designed and produced by Founders Dr Tony Pennells and Makaylah Rogers
  • MODULE 1
    The Foundation You Need To Become Financially Free - Build Your Cash Surplus
  • MODULE 2
    Implementing The Management Structure That Will Allow You To Achieve ANY Financial Goal, No Matter How Much Debt You're Starting With - This gives you the techniques to control your money so it doesn’t control you.
  • MODULE 3
    Eliminate Money Stress From Your Life Permanently - discover some of the most effective strategies that Financially Fit individuals use to control their money and get stress surrounding money out of their life forever.
  • MODULE 4
    Establish Generational Financial Security - Learn about the stage just before Freedom... FINANCIAL SECURITY.  Plus, Learn how to finally terminate your Debts faster then you ever thought possible!
  • MODULE 5
    Freedom Accelerators: Extra Tips & Tricks You Need To Speed Up The Process And Achieve Financial Freedom Even Faster – Learn how to put your financial situation “under the microscope” to examine your current financial strengths, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Including an exclusive look into how to build a Freedom Generator that delivers you can every single month (without you working for it) plus tools to grow your wealth even F-A-S-T-E-R.
    $25/month (USD) membership
“I came to this course with no savings, no assets, no goals or plans to make a future for myself and was feeling extremely negative about myself. 
By attending this course, and dedicating time to focus on my finances, I’ve learnt that I can save a significant amount of money on my own wage, have a reasonable retirement and actually afford some small wins along the way like holidays. I can now manage my finances fortnight-to-fortnight, pay off significant bills and actually have some savings, something which I haven’t had for the last 4 years. Attending this course was truly the best decision ever!" 

Cal Ewing, Geologist
Alberta, Canada
We were living paycheck to paycheck to the point of
literally not having enough.  
And we made plenty of money, we were just spending whatever, whenever, living completely above our means. Since finishing the boot camp, we’re working together as a team, are accountable with our money and know where it is going and have actually started saving for the first time in our married life.” 

Misty and Rob 
Rise above the financial noise with game-changing advice from money experts. Priceless value for just $25 per month.
(Actually, your peace-of-mind starts here)
Rapidly eliminate debt
and stress
Learn critical wealth building tips and secrets
Take control and get financially fit
Stop trading your time
for money
Learn how to build your own "Freedom Generator"
Change your financial destiny
Kendra Dixon 
Owner and founder of Create Capture Connect, California
Janelle Fraser, Founder of Naked Leader Revolution
Helps coaches and wellness practitioners, Canada is a new,
web-based community that's shaking things up with its
no-bullshit, myth-shattering approach to money; inspiring and educating people on a
"new normal."
Dr. Tony Pennells, Co-Founder and Chief Editor of He is the best-selling author of 3 books on finances and has built several businesses recognized by Business Review Weekly as some of the fastest 100 growing companies in Australia. 
A Medical Doctor, Dr.Tony became financially free at 27 years old and was able to leave medicine to focus on being a father and husband to his family. In the time since, he’s built several multi-million dollar businesses, has been married for 22 years to an amazing wife, and is the father to two boys he calls his “champions”.
Makaylah Rogers, Co-Founder and CEO of
She is a Thought Leader for her generation, teaching people how to rewrite the “rules” we’ve been taught about money. With an extensive background in wealth building and personal development, Makaylah’s path has taken her into several executive roles and positions across various fields including launching startups, real estate sales and motivational keynote speaking. 

"I want to publicly thank Tony Pennells, Makaylah Rogers
and all your staff for allowing me to share my story.  
And most important of all to share how the Financially Fit Bootcamp has opened my eyes to so much now. I have some ways to go but I'm further along now than I was before joining . I encourage everyone to sign up and share this opportunity with your friends. Wherever you are in life and wherever you are in the bootcamp training, keep going and do not worry about perfection.. 
Just start where you are and start today applying Pay Yourself First... You'll be glad you did...” 

Shiffon Gray 
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